(not made in USA)
The IKEA canister is a fantastic fire box for individuals and small groups
— this is our most popular can option, and makes a beautiful, lightweight, high-performance, stainless steel stove.
Approx. Weight: 4.62 oz // 131 g
Outside Diameter:
4 11/16” (4.69”) // 120mm
Outside Height:
5 1/8” (5.125") // 130mm
* Requires a set of titanium or stainless steel Universal Cross-Members.
Available for purchase in combination with stainless steel or titanium
(scroll to the Order section on our home page)
If you have a local IKEA® store, we recommend that you purchase these directly and save a few dollars. We buy these canisters at the retail price (no bulk discount), and provide them here as a convenience. Our price is higher since we have to cover our transport costs, and orders that include cans frequently cost us more than double to ship than what we charge for shipping (for example, if there is a Large Folding Grill in the order then we can't also fit the can into a flat-rate bubble envelope with everything else, and have to ship it separately).
Walmart has some similar cans (cutlery drying caddys), for just over $10, which may fit our Cross-Members, but we have not yet tested them. We recently made the trip to the nearest Walmart, but the cans were not in stock. You could try ordering one online, or take a set of Cross-Members into a Walmart store and see how they fit what's avaiable.
Note: For orders outside the USA, we do not ship cans because of how much they increase shipping costs. We recommend that you obtain a canister locally, which will save a significant amount on shipping.
Pre-punched COMPACT CAN (new coffee can) |
Requires a set titanium or stainless steel
Cross-Members. |
- Approx. Weight: 3.5oz | 99g
- Diameter: 4” | 102mm
- Height: 5.44" | 120mm
This size is a good choice for individuals up to small groups
While it is relatively easy to punch holes in cans that you buy in the supermarket, some customers who are really busy appreciate that they can buy perforated cans from Siege Stoves and use their own time to greater advantage. Our cans are punched from the outside in, so that there are no sharp edges on the outside of the can.
These pre-punched cans may cost as much as a can full of food, but we have to cover the purchase and transport costs for obtaining the empty cans as well as the labor costs to punch them. The three machines that are necessary to punch the holes at our factory, are quite expensive and require maintenance as well. The cans are provided as a convenience but we also encourage our customers to prepare their own cans, and to have fun experimenting with different can configurations! A tapered drill bit will produce nice round holes in a can. In a survival situation, you can also use the sharpened fangs on the base Cross-Member to quickly make holes in a can. |
*Limit: 1 per order
* Any order of a compact can requires the order to include at least one set of Cross-Members or Flat-Pack Stove. Thank you!
Note: We offer these cans as a convenience to our customers. However, if you are able to obtain and drill your own can, you will be able to save yourself some money. We typically lose several or more dollars on shipping when cans are included in an order (the shipping of packages that include cans generally costs us more than double the $7 flat-rate shipping fee we charge for US orders). This depends on overall bulk. Until our current can supply runs out, we will likely continue to make them available.
For orders outside the USA, we do not ship cans because of how much they increase shipping costs. We recommend that you obtain a canister locally, which will save a significant amount on shipping.
Pre-punched LARGE #10 CAN
(recycled restaurant size) |
Requires a set titanium or stainless steel
Cross-Members. |
- Approx. Weight: 8.8oz | 250g
- Diameter: 6.19” | 157 mm
- Height: 7" | 178 mm
This size is ideal for familes and groups, but even an invididual will enjoy the big fire and extra large fuel capacity, especially considering how exceptionally light it is. |
Note: We offer these cans as a convenience to our customers. However, if you are able to obtain and drill your own can, you will be able to save yourself some money. We typically lose several or more dollars on shipping when cans are included in an order. Until our current can supply runs out, we will likely continue to make them available.
For orders outside the USA, we do not ship cans because of how much they increase shipping costs. We recommend that you obtain a canister locally, which will save a significant amount on shipping. |
8% Sales Tax is applied to California orders only. For all other destinations we do not collect sales tax. Residents outside the US may be charged import duties and taxes at their port of entry. Intrenational buyers are responsible for any such duties and taxes.
$6.00 shipping on orders under $24
Plus: Below-cost shipping on international orders
INTERNATIONAL ORDERS, PayPal will automatically calculate the shipping cost for First Class Mail. If you need it sent Priority Mail, please email us with the details of what you plan to order and the destination address and we will calculate the shipping fee and email you a PayPal invoice for the total amount.
Because our cross-members and accessories are compact and lightweight, our international customers are often able to achieve lower shipping costs than with many other portable camp stoves (on top of what you are already saving with our low prices). For example, a single set of stainless steel Cross-Members or two sets of titanium Cross-Members can be packaged and shipped just under 8.1 ounces, in the lowest postal weight bracket!
For international customers we recommend that you obtain a can locally, which will save a lot on shipping costs (adding the can requires a box, which adds considerable weight and bulk). The popular stainless steel IKEA® cansiter is available in many countries, but you can use many other cans too. A drill with a tapered drill bit will make neat round holes, and you can also use the cross-members to make holes in a can. |