Flash Sale!
ORDER ultimate US-made SIEGE® STOVES below

Patented, ultra-versatile, high-performance, US-made SIEGE STOVE with capabilities not found in any other compact portable stove. A boiling, grilling, toasting, & baking powerhouse!

Free shipping on US orders over $99.00.

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" — Da Vinci

Use the Cross-Member fangs to easily open a can and make air holes in the can sides & floor and then turn the can into a stove! 

Go here to see the unrivaled and prized one-of-a-kind SIEGE Belts!

Subscribe to our YouTube channel and watch SIEGE® Stove how-to video tutorials


NOTE: The cost of titanium has increased significantly in recent years and when we last checked our supplier was unable to procure more, as the military is now using most of the available titanium. Based on the new material cost, the manufacturing cost of our next run of Ti stoves and cross-members will much higher! So far we have absorbed these and other cost increases. In the meantime, you can still get a Titanium Siege Gen 4 Stove at an awesome price.

Siege Stove testimonials

If you prefer to order by phone please call us at 925-956-1910. You can also send questions by email.

Shipping details
SIEGE STOVE Universal Cross-Member details Details on IKEA canisters and other cans
Marine-grade sheaths and pouches - photos and details
Details and Photos of SIEGE Flat-Pack Stoves
Photos and Details on Veteran-made Knee-Pad POUCH
Photos and Details on Grills and Toasters


UPGRADE to the Stainless Steel Gen 4 Flat-Pack Stove

UPGRADE to the Titanium Gen 4 Flat-Pack Stove

SALE: $54.99

SALE: $99.99

IMPORTANT: Cross-Members are NOT included with the upgrade. The upgrade requires you to already have a set of Gen 3 or 4 Cross-Members to use with the stove.
If you have an older set of Cross-Members, you can email us a photo of them and we will let you know if they will work with the Gen 4 Flat-Pack Stove.
Below: SIEGE Flat-Pack Stove cooking for 6 people with a heavy, full Dutch Oven on top.
When car-camping, one can save significant time and fuel by placing the Siege Stove on the fire grate and skipping the fire-ring, which uses a huge amount of firewood and is slow to cook — a far better option when getting in late and hungry from a long day hiking!
Siege Flat-Pack Stove
Below: SIEGE universal Cross-Members on IKEA canister
— a powerful, extra-stable, low-cost option that outperformed 9 well-known and much more expensive stoves in magazine reviews
Siege Flat-Pack Stove
Siege Stove testimonials
Siege Stove testimonials

Below: SIEGE Cross-Members configured with the super-sturdy stainless steel IKEA canister, & outfitted with Side Toasters and Compact Grill makes a beautiful ultra-versatile high-powered stove:

Siege universal Cross-Members on an IKEA canister

See the unrivaled SIEGE Belts